Af hverju eru ókeypis?

Tilgangurinn með er tvíþættur. Annars vegar að bjóða Íslendingum að venja gæludýrin við flugeldahljóð, til að reyna að fyrirbyggja ofsahræðslu hjá dýrunum. Með því að hafa þetta ókeypis eru engin mörk á því hverjir geta notfært sér þetta. Hins vegar að fá reynsluna af því að gera þetta, og hugsanlega að fá reynslusögur frá notendum.

Forráðamaður síðunnar er svo að þróa vörulínur fyrir alþjóðlegan markað, sem eru bæði víðtækari, og hafa líka skírskotun allan ársins hring. er hins vegar með þrengri fókus (flugeldahljóð), og aðeins áhugaverð í afmarkaðan tíma (fyrir áramót). ATH nýtt fyrir hestaeigendur: Bætt hefur verið við ýmsum hljóðum sem geta gert hesta hrædda, þannig að þeir fælist. Þetta er vegna þess að flugeldar eru kannski ekki svo mikið vandamál þar sem margir hestaeigendur flytja hesta sína á svæði þar sem minna er um flugelda. Hins vegar eru önnur hljóð sem geta valdið vandræðum, og því er ágætt að bæta þeim við svo hestaeigendur geta nú reynt að venja hesta sína á þau hljóð.

Notendur þurfa nú ekki sem skilyrði að skrá sig á tölvupóstlista. Notendum er þó boðið að skrá sig inn á póstlista, svo hægt sé að hafa samband með ábendingar, og að senda tengil á spurningaform til að gefa svör til baka um hvernig gekk (í janúar). Það væri mjög gott að fá reynslusögur frá notendum, og sjáum til hvað kemur út úr því. er ekki með takmarkaðar lausnir tæknilega séð þó að síðan fókuseri aðeins á flugelda. Þetta á að vera fullkomin lausn sem á að uppfylla hæstu gæðakröfur í alþjóðlegum skilningi, með ítarlegum leiðbeiningum, möguleika á að spila MP3 hljóð, streymi (streaming audio) eða audio CD geisladiska, auk aðgangs að tveimur Youtube myndskeiðum með flugeldum.

Kynning meðal fagfólks

Kynning meðal fagfólks er ekki langt komin, enda verið að hnýta síðustu hnútana í þróun lausnarinnar.

Síðunni hefur þó verið vel tekið hjá fagfólki, og fólki í félögum um gæludýraeign hérlendis.

Hér eru einnig tvö ummæli frá fagfólki í Bandaríkjunum:

Ummæli frá Jenn Colella, dýrahjúkrunarfræðingi (veterinary technician), USA

“I have to say, I’m really excited about this project. I tend to see a lot of noise phobias in pets that I’ve worked with, so this is fantastic. Visual presentation looks great – professional and clear. I actually took more away from the videos than through reading the copy, however.” (Um kynningu á öðrum vef).

Ummæli um frá S. F. Lansburg, dýralækna- og líffræðinema, USA, um “nýju lausnina”

“Congratulations on the development of this great product. As a veterinarian I am very happy to see this kind of innovations and I know that this product will make a difference in the life of many pets and families. I think that your product is really good.”

(Um Natural Intervals uppfinninguna) “I think that it makes a lot of sense; a more natural sound experience equals better results. I focused on the fact that your treatment has no adverse effects in comparison with drugs and I included research references about the desensitization and habituation method. I suggest that you include this scientific evidence in your “information for vets” page.”

“As I mentioned before, I think that you should include scientific information and references to support your product if you want to sell it among the veterinary community.  Here I include my research findings about noise phobia prevalence, pathophysiology and current treatments. Also, I include a comparison between the current treatment options and the New Method.”

“I am very interested in your product. I have plans of starting a vet practice in Puerto Rico in a few years, I grew up there and I know that phobias to thunderstorms are a big problem there. This product is something that I would definitely recommend to my clients.”

Advantages of the “New” Method:

The “New Method” is based on the methods of desensitization and habituation, in which the stress-causing sounds are played with a gradual increase of volume in order for the animal to get used to these sounds. Unlike treatment with antidepressants and anxiolytics, this treatment is completely safe and there are no adverse health effects. Desensitization and habituation methods have been widely studied (Watts, 1971; Watts, 1979 & Lader, 1968) and are proven to be effective in the management of behavioral problems in animals.

Prevalence of noise phobias:

In 2013, Blackwell et al. conducted a research study to determine the prevalence of noise phobias in pet dogs. Almost half of the owners in the study reported that their dog showed at least one behavioral sign typical of fear when exposed to noises. An estimated of 29% of pet dogs show signs of anxiety-related behaviors (Denenberg et al., 2013), and 17% to 49% of all dogs have been estimated to demonstrate an aversion to noise (Blackwell et al., 2013).


Physiological signs of a stress response, such as elevated cortisol, have been identified in dogs showing behavioral responses to noises (Hydbring-Sandberg et al., 2004). In many species, a physiological stress response occurs following exposure to a fear or anxiety-provoking stimulus. If anxious or fearful animals produce a stress response to many day-to-day stimuli, it follows that they may also live in a state of chronic physiological stress. Stressor activates the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) system and increases the levels of cortisol in the blood stream. This leads to a series of adverse health effects like cardiovascular disease, immune disturbances, altered endocrine responses, obesity, insulin resistance and nervous system disorders. A study conducted by Dreschel in 2010 demonstrated that the stress associated with fear and anxiety can adversely affect health and lifespan of animals.

Current treatments:

 Psychoactive drugs, including benzodiazepines, azapirones, antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are commonly prescribed in the treatment of fear and anxiety disorders in animals (Overall, 2013; Landsberg et al., 2013).

Fluoxetine and clomipramine are the only drugs licensed for anxiety treatment in dogs, however, these drugs can take a month or longer to achieve their full therapeutic effects and some owners are hesitant or unwilling to use these medications because of the potential for side effects or personal bias against psychotropic drug use (Landsberg, 2015). There are also various nutritional supplements marketed for behavior therapy, but very few have demonstrated any evidence of efficacy.


 Blackwell, E. J., John, W.S. Bradshaw, R. A. (2013). Fear responses to noises in domestic dogs: Prevalence, risk factors and co-occurrence with other fear related behavior.  Applied Animal Behaviour Science

Overall, K.L., Dunham, A.E., Frank, D. (2001). Frequency of nonspecific clinical signs in dogs with separation anxiety, thunderstorm phobia, and noise phobia, alone or in combination. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 219, 467-73.

Landsberg, W. Hunthausen, L. Ackerman. (2013). Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat (3rd 453 Ed.) Saunders Elsevier, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 139-149, 181-186.

Denenberg, S., Landsberg, G.M. (2008). Effect of dog-appeasing pheromones on anxiety and fear in puppies during training and on long-term socialization. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 233, 1874-1882

Dreschel, N.A., 2010. The effects of fear and anxiety on health and lifespan in pet dogs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 125, 157–162.

Lader, M. H., & Mathews, A. M. (1968). A physiological model of phobic anxiety and desensitization. Behaviour Research and Therapy6(4), 411-421.

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